AirPlay – Apple Phone AirPlay Screen Projection Method

Apple screen mirroring is a technology that transfers iPhone or iPad screen content to other display devices, helping us achieve operations such as large screen viewing, conference displays, and multi screen interaction. This article will introduce the principles, methods, and precautions of screen mirroring on Apple phones, to help you better connect and screen mirroring your iPhone or iPad with various display devices.

The principle of iPhone screen mirroring is mainly to encode the display signal of iPhone or iPad into a video signal, and then transmit it to display devices such as projectors and monitors through interfaces such as AirPlay or HDMI. After receiving the signal, these devices decode it into the display signal of the iPhone or iPad, thereby achieving the purpose of displaying the content of the phone or tablet screen on other devices.

The key to achieving screen mirroring on Apple phones is to use interfaces such as AirPlay or HDMI to connect the iPhone or iPad to the display device. At the same time, it is necessary to install the corresponding projection application on the iPhone or iPad in order to transmit the display signal to other devices.

The Method of Apple Phone Screen Projection

There are various methods for screen mirroring on Apple phones, and the following are some commonly used methods:

  1. Using AirPlay screen mirroring

AirPlay is a wireless projection technology launched by Apple that can wirelessly transfer iPhone or iPad screen content to display devices that support the AirPlay protocol. The specific steps are as follows:

(1) Connect iPhone or iPad and display device to a local area network;

(2) Open the application or file that requires screen mirroring on an iPhone or iPad;

(3) Slide the screen upwards from the bottom to open the control center;

(4) Click the “Screen Mirroring” button;

(5) Select the display device that needs to be projected from the pop-up list;

(6) Wait for the successful connection to achieve screen mirroring.

  1. Using HDMI cable for screen projection

Using HDMI cable for screen mirroring is the process of connecting an iPhone or iPad to a display device that supports HDMI output through an HDMI cable, thereby achieving screen mirroring. This method requires the purchase of additional HDMI cables and converters, but can achieve clearer and more stable image transmission. The specific steps are as follows:

(1) Purchase HDMI cables and converters suitable for your device;

(2) Connect the HDMI cable and converter to the iPhone or iPad and display device;

(3) Open the application or file that requires screen mirroring on an iPhone or iPad;

(4) Select HDMI as the input source in the settings menu of the display device;

(5) Wait for the successful connection to achieve screen mirroring.

  1. Using third-party screen projection applications

In addition to using AirPlay and HDMI cables for screen mirroring, third-party screen mirroring applications can also be used to achieve Apple phone screen mirroring. These applications can transfer iPhone or iPad screen content to other devices through wireless connections such as Bluetooth and Wi Fi. Common third-party screen casting applications include: Apowersoft mobile screen casting software, Bijie screen casting, etc. The specific steps vary depending on the application. Generally, you need to select the device that needs to be used for screen mirroring in the application, and then make the corresponding settings to achieve screen mirroring.

Precautions for Apple Phone Screen Projection

  1. Ensure that the iPhone or iPad and display device are on the same LAN;
  2. When using HDMI cables for screen projection, it is important to choose the appropriate HDMI cable and converter to avoid issues such as poor image quality;
  3. When using third-party screen projection applications, it is important to choose legitimate channels to download the application and carefully read user reviews and instructions;
  4. When projecting an iPhone screen, it is important to protect personal privacy and information security, and not transfer important information such as personal information and passwords to other devices;
  5. When using the screen projection function, it is important to comply with relevant laws, regulations, and rules, and not infringe upon the rights and intellectual property of others.