Mirror Projection – What is Mirror Projection?

Mirror projection is a technique that projects the content of a mobile phone or computer screen onto a TV or large screen. This technology can transfer content from mobile phones or computers, such as videos, photos, games, etc., wirelessly to a TV or large screen for users to watch or share on the screen.

There are various ways to achieve mirror projection, one of which is through Bluetooth connection, and the other is through Wi Fi or wireless network connection. When using Bluetooth connection, you need to pair your phone or computer with a TV or large screen, then open the Bluetooth settings of your phone or computer, find the device name of the TV or large screen, and connect. When using Wi Fi or wireless network connection, you need to download the corresponding screen projection software on your phone or computer, and then search for the device name of the TV or large screen through the software to connect.

The advantage of mirror projection is that it allows users to view content on their phones or computers on a large screen, enjoying larger images and better sound quality. In addition, through mirror projection, users can also perform games, video conferences, and other operations on the large screen, enjoying a more comfortable experience.

In short, mirror projection is a very practical technology that allows users to more conveniently project content from their phones or computers onto a TV or large screen, enjoying a more comfortable and convenient experience.