Multi screen – How do I set up a multi screen display on my computer?

Multi screen display on a computer can achieve a balance between playing games on one screen and watching stocks on the other screen, as well as work and entertainment. Especially for editors, they are generally equipped with multi screen displays. Therefore, how to set up a multi screen display on a computer is as follows:

Hardware requirements (using Win10 system as a case study)

1. The computer host must have an independent graphics card interface for either VGA/DVI/HDMI output (generally supported by entry-level graphics cards);

2. Prepare any two VGA/DVI/HDMI cables and display the output interface;

3. Two monitors, supporting any two VGA/DVI/HDMI interfaces (otherwise a VGA converter connector is required)

Multi screen operation steps:

1.Firstly, connect the external monitor to the computer graphics card interface through either VGA/DVI/HDMI cable.

2. After successfully connecting, enter the computer system desktop, right-click on the blank area of the desktop and select [Display Settings];

If the connection is successful, you can see that there are two displays;

4. On the display interface, select ‘Expand these displays’ under’ Multi display settings’, and then both displays can be displayed normally;

5. If the circuit detection is correct and still cannot be displayed, right-click on the desktop and select [NVIDIA Control Panel]

6. Find [Set up multiple displays], then check the display we want to use, and that’s it.