
epidemic has forced the rapid development of 5g, cloud computing, industrial Internet and artificial intelligence technology. Digital transformation has become a thing that enterprises have to face. IDC predicts that from 2020 to 2023, more than 65% of the GDP of the Asia Pacific region will be digitized, and the digital transformation expenditure will reach $1.2 trillion.

in this situation, many enterprises have actively strengthened the construction of digital transformation, and the construction of digital office platform is an important part. This paper sorts out smart office solutions in 10 hot areas such as government, finance, new infrastructure and education, in order to solve the problems of operation and management for enterprises and help organizations realize the upgrading of digital management.

1. Government

▍ industry demand background: the impact of the epidemic on the global economy has formed a new normal. The digital transformation of the government plays a key role in epidemic prevention and control and economic recovery. As an important part of digital transformation, building an independent, controllable, safe and efficient digital office platform is put on the agenda.

▍ highlight function:

official document management: Online drafting, receiving, sending, exchanging and mobile signing and approval, so as to make the efficient circulation of government orders and the efficient development of auxiliary work;


conference management: realize the whole process closed-loop conference management of sign in, minutes, topics, resolutions and supervision, and mobile conference makes the meeting easier;


supervision management: it covers the supervision sections such as project initiation, feedback, Kanban and evaluation, supports the whole process management of supervision, and makes real-time supervision more flexible;


housekeeping: daily affairs such as fixed assets, vehicles, office supplies and equipment maintenance can be easily managed to effectively support rear resources.

2. State owned enterprises


▍ industry demand background: the State Council issued the notice on accelerating the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises, which requires accelerating the digital transformation of state-owned enterprises, encouraging enterprises to build basic digital technology platforms and establish systematic management systems.

▍ highlight function:

official documents of state-owned enterprises: official documents are online based on Xinchuang, which is de controlled, making the online approval and other operations of official documents more convenient, meeting the complex circulation of official documents of state-owned enterprises, and making the publicity and implementation of policies more timely and in place;


mobile approval: Based on exclusive nails and mobile app, the process is mobile, which is convenient for the leaders of state-owned enterprises to approve anytime and anywhere, and the engineering, contract, procurement and other processes are more efficient and fast;


are three important and one big: support the decision-making of major matters, the appointment and removal of important cadres, the investment decision-making of major projects, and the online supervision of the use of large amounts of funds. The data is shared with the supervision department and more transparent;


smart Party Building: by creating online party affairs and Party building classes, support the rapid development of “three sessions and one lesson”, activate the vitality of grass-roots organizations and Party members, and help the daily operation and management of state-owned enterprises.

3. Financial


▍ industry demand background: the state requires enterprises to accelerate the domestic independent and controllable substitution plan and build a safe and independent information technology application innovation system. As a field with high requirements for information security, the financial industry is imperative to speed up the construction of digital office platform based on information innovation system.

▍ highlight function:

contract management: build a contract management module that meets the requirements of Xinchuang, and realize the whole process management of contract preparation, drafting, approval, signing, performance and archiving;


cost control management: build a financial cost control module that meets the requirements of Xinchuang, and realize the budget control management from budget preparation, expense application to reimbursement, as well as the whole process management of financial audit, payment, bookkeeping and analysis;


official document management: covering 15 kinds of standard official documents, supporting the efficient transmission of official documents of financial institutions and promoting the efficient development of institutional cooperation;


knowledge management: it can provide financial institutions with a series of services from consultation and planning to platform landing, help institutions strengthen knowledge precipitation, improve efficiency, find and utilize knowledge, and enable institutions to innovate and develop.