VR glasses bring you a taste of another Utopia parallel to real space.


Bijie Internet focus on multi screen cooperation solutions, follow the pace of VR / AR ecological development, and launch multiple VR / AR intelligent glasses wireless projection solutions to help VR / AR realize wireless projection function quickly and iteratively.


count the development process of the game picture. From the original character drawing text adventure game composed of points and lines to battlefield 5 with real-time ray tracing, the picture of the game is more and more real, and even can confuse the false with the true, which is no different from the photos. But the core point is that the operation and interaction of the game, the earliest video game and the latest battlefield 5 are still not separated from the mode of keyboard and mouse / handle + display. In essence, can we think that there is no difference between them?

are not just games, but also in daily life. In today’s proliferation of smart phones, in addition to the slight difference between the two operating systems, the difference between mobile phones is not particularly large. The annual update iteration is only an article on hardware performance and some gimmicks. For example, the latest iPhone and Android smartphone with a price of only one-third of its price can meet all needs, including clothing, food, housing and transportation, photography, payment, taxi and navigation. The only difference is the fluency of APP operation.


combine these two points, which can’t help but make people think.


count their hair one by one in front of the game screen that opens ultra special effects day after day, and use smart phones that slide very smoothly year after year. We have been standing still for too long, or are too satisfied with the current situation. The interaction of games and the development of smart phones have not changed qualitatively for too long.


, here we will introduce the concept called metaverse. It may be a sub era concept that can innovate current game products and smart phones.

when we open the search box and enter the keyword VR or roblox, the search engine has a high probability of giving us a seemingly familiar but unfamiliar search result – metaverse metauniverse. Our sense of familiarity with it may come from its root. This is a composite word composed of meta and universe. It means transcending the real world and standing at the scale of consumers and users. It represents the next stage of the Internet – a fully virtual cyberspace that can be easily perceived and interconnected.

what is metaverse?

so, what is metaverse? To make this clear, let’s start with cyberspace. As early as the 1980s, science fiction writer William Gibson put forward the concept of cyberspace in his works. He refers to the virtual space existing in computers or computer networks. In other words, cyberspace is a completely virtual cyberspace. People can log in at any time and complete anything they want in this virtual world. In 1992, the famous American science fiction writer Neil Stephenson put forward the concept of metaverse in his science fiction work avalanche. In his works, Neil Stephenson called it hyperdomain. Compared with his predecessors, Neil Stephenson complemented and expanded some points that were not perfect in the setting of cyberspace. Therefore, cyberspace and metaverse can be said to be a link between the past and the future. The concepts of


are similar to those of cyberspace. Metaverse hyperdomain is also a virtual space that is different but parallel to the real world. In the future, everyone will have an avatar in the hyperdomain. People can manipulate the avatar to complete almost any behavior that can be realized in the real world, including, of course, what cannot be completed in the real world.


are the same as cyberpunk. With the proposal of a concept, the corresponding visual system came into being. From the earliest cyberspace visualization work – “the battle for supremacy in the electronic world”, to the “hacker empire” at the beginning of the millennium, and then to the “number one player”, which can be called the model of metaverse in 2018, the bizarre science fiction world created by these film and television works is undoubtedly very attractive to the audience.

it’s still too sci-fi to connect the brain nerve directly with the posterior cannula of the hacker empire, and the solution of VR helmet + action kit of player 1 is a set of feasible strategies, which coincides with the concept of arparaland constructed by arpara.


paraparaland is a VR social platform based on metaverse, which is a vast, high degree of freedom and creative social platform. Relying on arpara VR equipment, based on VR technology, it presents an incomparably real but completely “virtual” meta universe.




roughly clarify the concept of metaverse. Next, let’s see how arparaland, a metaverse based platform, innovates the existing game interaction system and the development concept of smart phones. Why is

VR? The first thing to be clear about


is why does metaverse need VR? You can understand that. Metaverse is a virtual world completely different from the real world, which sounds very exciting. But if there is a premise that the metaverse world can only be experienced through a 2D flat screen, does the sense of immersion be greatly reduced in an instant?


and wearing a full set of VR devices, the scene immersion that users can experience is unmatched by any 2D plane display.

as described in the movie “the number one player”, the protagonist prepares a complete set of VR equipment and can experience all the contents of “oasis” at home.

therefore, VR is the most important premise in order to be more immersive and devote yourself to metaverse. What can


do in metaverse?


are also one of the core issues. What can users do in metaverse? During the epidemic, major exhibitions and press conferences around the world chose the online mode, and many originally planned to premiere in the cinemaThe movie has been moved back to the streaming media platform, coupled with the COVID-19 black swan event’s catalyst. It seems that people’s acceptance of online activities and even offices is gradually relaxed, and it is also gradually realized that the virtual world is not virtual.

the virtual world is no different from the real world. In other words, in metaverse, you can complete various activities such as social networking, entertainment, office and creation. With the support of VR devices, you can experience an experience comparable to offline social networking in the virtual world, which is completely feasible. The most important thing is that all this can be done without leaving home. The specific playing methods and applications of


in arparaland will be introduced one by one below.

digital Avatar

follows the mantle of ancient science fiction. In the world of arparaland, almost all scenes that can be realized in reality can be achieved here, and it is more interesting than in the real world. In addition to 100% customized virtual image, users also have more functions and playing methods.


are specific to the use scene. The virtual image of arparaland is not limited to human shape. All kinds of animals, mythical characters, animated characters and even vehicles can be created as the virtual image of users to interact, adventure and socialize with friends. As long as you want, you can spend an afternoon or more to create a lovely or anthropomorphic virtual image. Whatever style suits your preferences, create what. And use this virtual image you created to socialize, entertain and even work with your online friends. You can easily complete the adventures you want to do in your daily life but have no time to complete. Combined with VR device blessing, the sense of immersion is by no means comparable to that of traditional video games. The essence of

Avatar is a kind of projection of human inner emotion and self. On the platform of arparaland, no matter what kind of aesthetics, sexual orientation and hobby, it can be supported; Here, you can boldly take off your mask; Here, he is you and you are him.

virtual creation

after creating a unique virtual image, you can interact with your friends in the virtual space. If you want to use the game as an example, arpaland can call it the VR version of “Sims + my world”. In this virtual and real world, all your choices will take effect immediately, which is no different from the real world, Moreover, a complete world creation tool is built in the arparaland platform. You can create and build the environment by simply dragging the handle.


are not a few traditional video games with multiple choices and multiple endings on the market. Almost no one can compare with them in terms of immersion. Combined with vr virtual reality technology, the immersion of metaverse will be a qualitative change. The keyboard, mouse and handle can no longer prevent you from completely immersing yourself in the game. Your control props are your body, your limbs and magnificent scenes in the game. You are on the scene, And you can master it all.

as shown in the movie “the number one player”, the protagonist puts on the VR helmet and device, and the scene immediately switches to the virtual metaverse space, where you can do whatever you want, of course, in arparaland.

similarly, in arparaland, you can easily build the place where your heart belongs. Just imagine, whether it’s the magnificent warship burning on Orion or the microscopic world shown in the game spore, you can show it in arparaland through your own creation. You can go online at any time in a pleasant afternoon or after work, and start creating your own virtual scene.

virtual social

people are gregarious animals and have social needs. The surge in online social needs during the epidemic confirms this view positively. In the past, online social networking based on mobile app and computer can send and receive picture and text information accurately and quickly, but it still has inherent disadvantages in the performance of immersion.

high technology does not mean low life, at least in arparaland. Here, when you and your friends are online, you can enter the virtual space at the same time. What you can do is not only face-to-face chat. Combined with VR technology and using the created virtual image, you can sit in the virtual space and interact with your friends, whether it’s watching video, playing VR games, or a VR online werewolf killing, or even participating in concerts and idol meetings, which can be realized in arparaland.

the ultimate purpose of social interaction is the interaction between individuals, but for people with physical disabilities, going out to socialize is undoubtedly a luxury. Arparaland combines VR technology to make the sense of immersion to a higher level. It can interact and socialize with new and old friends all over the world in the virtual space without even leaving the room. The physical distance and physical disability are no longer the barriers that hinder the interaction between people.

in addition to the physical level, the psychological level of disability is also an important reason for hindering normal social interaction.

many research literatures at home and abroad point out that VR technology can be combined with psychotherapy, and has a certain effect on phobia, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. VR technology makes up for the defects of traditional exposure therapy. The combination of the two produces virtual reality exposure therapy, and then achieves the ultimate goal of desensitization.

vr virtual collaboration

remote collaboration has always been a difficult problem in the industry. It is conceivable that even if colleagues and colleagues are in the same office, the cost of communication and exchange is still too high. At present, most traditional solution manufacturers use remote collaboration software, and the distance between screens is still an insurmountable gap.


can be used in home office due to COVID-19 or some other uncontrollable factors, and VR virtual collaboration function can be used. In arparaland, you can conduct online virtual remote collaboration through virtual screen projection and virtual collaboration functions, build a virtual office in the virtual scene, and rely on the virtual screen projection function that can quickly translate local work to online spaceYes, even in the virtual scene, you can get the same working environment as the real scene, which greatly saves the cost of communication and communication and makes the collaborative work more efficient.

vr virtual board game

game entertainment is always the first productivity, and metaverse is no exception. Relying on arparaland, the online werewolf killing mentioned above may be very different from the current one. The first is the sound and light painting. Thanks to the virtual space, more audio and video effects with more atmosphere can be added in the process of the game. Combined with the corresponding kits, it can even have physical feedback to make the game projects, including VR table games, more immersive. On a rare free weekend, you can play the suspense ridden online werewolf killing with your friends at home without going out, and feel the immersive experience that even experienced hosts can’t give.

UGC creation system and trading system

for friends who are familiar with the concept of metaverse, perhaps they should know that one of the eight characteristics of metaverse is the need to have a complete economic system. Arparaland embeds NFT technology, which can guarantee various rights and interests of users’ digital assets on the platform through the blockchain system. In other words, in the arparaland platform, whether you create virtual art, props, clothing or virtual real estate you build, you can complete transactions through NFT channels to protect their rights and interests. Every transaction of users will be recorded. Relying on the blockchain system mentioned above, you can ensure that goods will not be tampered with and firmly grasp digital intellectual property rights.


metaverse is undoubtedly an innovation in the industry. From the most traditional board games in which almost all scenes need to be imagined by players, to the video games with excellent mapping and unlimited light source that can run smoothly only on the flagship PC, which seems to be the improvement of computing power and technical power. The way of entertainment has been changing, but the essence of its change is the evolution of interactive media.


also rely on the development of science and technology. The development of VR equipment is inseparable from the development of science and technology.




range from virtual avatars, UGC creation systems and trading systems to VR + metaverse based psychological disease diagnosis and treatment platforms. Arparaland attaches importance to the connection and connection between people. In arparaland’s view, metaverse is more like a means to comfort human emotions. When users devote themselves to arparaland, they get far more than just short-lived sensory stimulation.