What issmart office space?


smart office is not just the intelligence of office hardware. From my point of view, smart office space not only refers to the whole space life cycle from early construction to later space operation and maintenance, but also the interactive relationship between people and space is very harmonious, which is a humanized space everywhere. It is simplified into two words, intelligent and humanized.


① in the early stage, use big data to analyze the nature, culture, industry, working mode and tradition of each enterprise, and find out the existing problems and corresponding needs of the enterprise. Communicate with the employees of the enterprise, conduct investigation, find out the problems faced by the enterprise in space, and give a plan in combination with the development of the enterprise. Investigate and deal with diseases and give customized plans.


② in the medium term, improve construction efficiency and team communication and cooperation ability through digital construction and BIM Technology; Through the on-site video monitoring of time-delay photography, ensure the consistency of space planning and effectiveness; The later stage of


③ is mainly reflected in the implantation of intelligent technology equipment in the space, such as app bluetooth access control, face recognition, cloud printing, remote cooperation conference room, etc;

④ create details in the office space to increase the humanization of the space.