Educational projection screen, the advantages of Bijie wireless projection screen in intelligent education.
has many incomparable advantages compared with traditional field teaching. As long as you have a suitable equipment and network, you can break the restrictions of time and region, choose famous teachers for guidance anytime and anywhere, and watch the key and difficult points repeatedly until you learn.
although online courses have many advantages, they are generally viewed through mobile devices such as mobile phones and computers. The screen is small and close, which is easy to induce vision diseases; Another is the poor sense of presence. It’s boring to have no company. Using Bijie to put these learning contents on TV and study with children can not only establish a close relationship with children, but also avoid the problem of boring and inefficient learning by children alone.
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can not only achieve better large screen viewing effect by using Bijie wireless projection screen, but also enable parents to carry out partial learning interaction in online education, and make it more convenient for children to record learning notes. Learning to throw the screen to the big screen can bring children a great sense of introduction and better integrate into the learning atmosphere. Parents don’t have to worry about the “harm” caused by their children staring at their mobile phones for a long time. The addition of large screen can also enable more children to learn synchronously. In this “on-the-spot” environment, children’s learning competitiveness and interactivity are also significantly improved. Moreover, parents can download educational apps or educational resources on mobile phones, and then put them on the TV screen. In the future, parents no longer have to worry about the lack of online educational resources.
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will be the eye mode of quick screen projection, so mothers don’t have to worry about their children’s eyesight. Use the Bijie projection SDK to put mobile video on the TV, so that children will not keep their heads down and their eyes fixed on the mobile screen, so as to reduce the stimulation to their eyes, and parents can safely let their children watch TV. On the other hand, Bijie can also cast some educational apps. Parents can help their children form the habit of watching TV scientifically and choose useful animation programs, which can not only enrich children’s entertainment life, but also not affect their study.