How do I Turn off AirPlay Screen Sharing on a Mac

There are many benefits to using AirPlay to play video on a Mac. This is a quick and easy way to mirror an entire desktop onto another device, such as Apple TV. In fact, you can share your screen with any supported smart TV.

However, once this is done, you will need to close Airplay again. There are several ways to do this.

Use menu bar

Close AirPlay on your Mac from the menu bar:

  1. Click the screen image icon on the menu bar.
  2. Click the blue icon next to the device to be shared.
  3. Your screen will now stop sharing.

Use system preferences

If you don’t see the Screen Mirroring icon in the menu bar, it’s because the setting is turned off. In this case, you need to go through System Preferences.

Turn off Airplay on Mac via system Preferences:

  1. Press the Apple icon on the menu bar.
  2. Select system preferences.
  3. Click Display.
  4. Select Close from the AirPlay display drop-down menu.
  5. Screen mirroring should now stop.

If you want to display Mirroring Options In The Menu Bar When Available, check Show Mirroring Options In The Menu Bar When Available.