Several suitable for computer wireless projection screen software

  1. Lebo Projection screen PC version

Lebo screen projection software is divided into PC version, mobile version and TV version on the device. It supports Android and Apple on the system. According to the use is divided into free version (personal use) fee version (business use).

  1. AirLink(one-click projection computer version)

One-key projection is a kind of tool software for users of education, teaching, training and business reports, providing screen-to-screen projection services, with wireless screen transmission, cross-platform, two-way projection, easy to use and other characteristics.

  1. AirPinPcSender Free Edition

AirPinPcSender is a receiving software for Android devices that supports multi-screen interaction functions. This version is for PC control devices, including push screen image, push media and other functions. Mainly DINA pushes local video to the big screen.

  1. AirDisplay(pc projection for Mac)

AirDisplay lets you place Windows next to your other computer, drag and drop Windows onto it, and then interact with those Windows as you would on any other computer monitor, for PC screen Macs.

  1. TCL Smart Screen Transmission

TCL Smart Screen Transfer uses the latest wireless Internet technology to connect the contents of mobile screens, computer screens and TV screens. With this software you can achieve three screen interaction, excellent recommendation, video sharing and other functions.

6, the official version of the TV party

Tv-pi is a multi-screen interactive software for watching TV and mobile phones, tablets and TVS. TV School has iOS versions, Android versions and Windows versions. The purpose of TV School is to create better and more convenient large-screen audio-visual experience. At present, TV School is applicable to Skyworth TV, Kukai TV, Tianci Stick and Kukai Ying Stick equipped with Tianci system.

  1. PC end of intelligent vocational education cloud classroom

The PC side of the cloud classroom of Smart Vocational Education is the screen projection software of the cloud classroom APP of Smart Vocational education. Users can project the contents of the APP to the computer through this software, and then connect by scanning the two-dimensional code. After successful login, they can open the courseware for screen projection display and start to interact with students.

  1. Bijie wireless projection screen

What happened to the projection device? There are so many free screen software guest officer you are not satisfied? The screen projection software is mainly used for personal private use. Have you ever seen free screen projection software used in formal and professional screen projection fields such as business meeting rooms and multimedia classrooms in schools? Professional field, hardware equipment is king!