Smart Office – What is a Smart Office System?

Smart office is the use of intelligent scientific theories, technologies, methods, and information, communication, and automation technology tools. Through intelligent perception, cloud computing, the Internet of Things, mobile connectivity, big data mining, expert systems, and other means, it realizes the intelligence of office business, business management, decision-making and service intelligence, intelligent allocation and optimization of various resources for units, and realizes information flow, fund flow, logistics, etc The highly integrated and integrated business workflow achieves office informatization, networking, digitization, and intelligence.


At present, smart office systems should have the following characteristics.

1、Intelligent office environment

Smart office systems in this area are mostly developed by companies that specialize in smart homes or smart buildings, mainly to address the intelligentization of office environments, including access control, attendance, lighting, curtains, networks, electricity, and more; This mainly solves the problem;1. Comfort and environmental management cost issues.

2、Intelligence of Business Scenarios

This aspect mainly focuses on the business scenarios of office work, including administrative OA systems, production ERP, MES systems, sales inventory, CRM systems, and collaborative work systems related to research and development.

3、The Intelligence of Personal Work Equipment

On this aspect, it has been studied and discussed the least. The above two parts are more focused on solving human problems and are oriented towards the collective, while for individuals, intelligence focuses on personal computers, mobile assistants, and so on.