win10 computer wireless projection screen to TV operation tutorial

win10 wireless projection screen to TV How to operate? Many small partners must have such doubts, that is, how to screen the content of the computer to the TV, has obtained a better look and feel, some small partners often have such a display demand, in fact, it is very simple, the next small series to share details of win10 computer wireless screen to TV operation tutorial.

win10 computer wireless projection screen to TV operation tutorial

1, first of all, find the wireless setting in the lower right corner of the computer, and then connect to the WiFi. (Computer and TV need to be connected to the same WiFi)

2, then find the Settings on the TV and click to enter.

  1. Connect the TV to the same WiFi as the computer.
  2. Finally, the computer content can be projected onto the TV!

Method 2: Win10 built-in Miracast wireless projection screen

  1. First, turn on the mirror function on your TV, which can be found under “Applications”.

2, after the Win10 computer, click the “Start” menu, find “Settings”, and enter.

3, after that, choose “Bluetooth and other devices” > “Add Bluetooth or other devices”, select “wireless display or dock”, and then add your TV device, you can cast the screen.