AR is to realize “illusion” in reality through technological means.

The concept of augmented reality (AR) must be familiar to many readers. For the first time, AR entered the public audience’s vision in a real sense, starting from a game — Pokemon Go, an AR game that became popular all over the world in 2016.

Most Chinese Internet users haven’t played the game, though, due to limited access to the Internet. But looking back, this game was able to catch fire, a good IP is important, but as an important catalyst for the game AR also contributed.

What is AR

  1. Definition of AR

With the help of computer graphics technology and visualization technology, virtual objects that do not exist in the physical world are generated, and virtual objects are accurately “placed” in the physical world, presenting users with a new environment with richer perceptual effects.

In a word, AR is to realize “illusion” in reality through technological means.

  1. The Difference between Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality (AR vs VR)

When we talk about AR, there’s another concept that goes along with it: VR. What’s the difference between the two?

From the perspective of the proportion of virtual components and real components, it can be considered that VR presents a 100% virtual world, which is closed. Based on the real environment, AR superimposes virtual objects or electronic information to bring virtual objects into the physical world of users. By listening to, watching and touching virtual information, AR can enhance the perception of the physical world, so as to achieve “enhanced” effect on reality.

Through the comparison of the two, readers can easily find that the application of AR will be more extensive in real life. As the superposition of the real environment, the virtual environment people need will be implanted into the real scene, which is closer to people’s life and work — after all, we all have to live in the real world.